Saturday, March 31, 2007
New List Function
anyways, I added a directory function at the top of the page (along with the disclaimer just below the veoh banner), which should make browsing and searching for albums easier~ the newest updates are going to be at the top the list~
專輯列表 Album List 2
男歌手 Male Singer
2006.11.12 K First Christmas
1995.07.07 平井間 (Hirai Ken) Un-balanced
女歌手 Female Singer
2007.4.7 YUI Can't Buy My Love
2007.3.14 倖田來未 (Koda Kumi) Best~Bounce & Lovers
2007.3.19 Nakashima Mika Yes
2007.1.27 伊藤由奈 HEART
2007.1.26 BoA Made In Twenty
2006.08.30 Kaoru Amane Taiyou no uta 雨音薫 タイヨウのうた
2006.11.08 Melody Lovin' U
2006.07.11 Sowelu Twenty Four
2006.11.01 BoA Winter Love
1998.01.28 安室奈美惠 181920
2003.06.25 Sowelu Geofu
組合 Group/Band
2007.3.7 Exile Evolution
2006.09.27 コブクロ - ALL SINGLES BEST
2005.11.16 Chemistry (化学超男子) FO(U)R
2006.08.30 Every Little Thing スイミー (小事樂團)
其他 Others (original sound tracks etc)
韓語專輯 Korean Albums
男歌手 Male Singer
Brian vol 1 The Brian
2006년 9월 14일 이승기 리메이크 앨범 - 남자가 여자를 사랑할때
2006.11.02 Se7en vol 4 Se7olution
女歌手 Female Singer
BoA Sunshine
組合 Group/Band
其他 Others (original sound tracks etc)
專輯列表 Album List 1
男歌手 Male Singer
2000.4 辛隆 太多
2007.4.9 林宇中 淋雨中
1995.9.24 伍思凱 心動了 (誠摯推薦!經典!)
2007.2.14 何潤東 好想對你說
2007.3.20 阿沁 Real (FIR) 梵谷的左耳
張智成 蒐藏張智成
張智成 名字
2007.1.26 張學友 在你身邊
2007.1.19 TANK 延長比賽 Keep Fighting
TANK 延長比賽 Keep Fighting (預購版)
方大同 愛愛愛
黃力行 無神論
哈林 庾澄慶合輯!15張專輯!
2006.12.28 曹格 Superman
1994 劉德華 忘情水
2001.08.03 張敬軒 Hins First (EP)
1993.03 張學友 吻別
2005.11 袁惟仁 你不知道的我
1999.05 吳國敬的主題曲
1997.12.06 陶喆 同名專輯
1998.08.21 王力宏 公轉自轉
2006.10.13 吳克群 將軍令
2006.10.20 張敬軒 笑忘書
2006.10.17 郭富城 My Nation
2006.09.06 栗錦 首張同名專輯
2006.07.31 溫力銘 首張創作專輯
2001 曹格 同名專輯 (super rare!!!)
2005.03.21 張杰 第1張 (中國版)
2006.09.05 周杰倫 依然范特西
女歌手 Female Singer
2007.3.19 金莎 不可思議金選 (台灣版)
2007.3.16 楊韻禾 你不知道
2007.3.22 孫燕姿 逆光
2007.4.10 蔡詩蕓 D-doll 雲朵
張韶涵 夢裡花
2007.1.19 蕭賀碩 碩一碩的流浪地圖
2006.12.22 蕭亞軒 1087!
1988 伊能靜 十九歲的最後一天
1998.12.01 劉若英 很愛很愛你
2006.11 蕭亞軒 Elva is Back!
1997.10.31 順子 Shunza
2006.09.25 戴佩妮 iPenny 一個人的行李
2006.10.06 梁靜茹 親親
2006.09.01 江美琪 愛哭鬼
2006.09.22 李玟 要定你
2006.09.17 徐若瑄 Vivi and
組合 Group/Band
五月天 為愛而生 (預購版)
1992.06 少女隊 偏愛你的心
紅螞蟻 愛情釀的酒
2006.10.20 K One 羅密歐與茱麗葉
2006.09.12 1983壹加壹
2006.09.07 JS Rosso 蘇菲亞的盛宴
2006.08.11 夏卡毛樂團 拼
其他 Others (original sound tracks etc)
2007.1.19 轉角*遇到愛電視原聲帶
英語專輯 English Albums
男歌手 Male Singer
Brian McKnight Ten
2005.02.08 Brian McKnight Gemini
1996 The Tony Rich Project Words
1997 Uncle Sam
女歌手 Female Singer
2007.3.20 Joss Stone Introducing Joss Stone
2006.11.21 Serena Ryder If Your Memory Serves You Well
1988 Karyn White
2006.07.17 Nelly Furtado Loose
組合 Group/Band
Our Lady Peace A Decade
2006.10.03 Evanescence The Open Door
其他 Others (original sound tracks etc)
R&B compilation
Thursday, March 29, 2007
瘋狂追星家族送命收場 為完獨女劉德華夢 賣屋賣腎蹈海
【明報專訊】前日清晨6時許在尖沙嘴天星碼頭 蹈海溺斃的68歲內地男子楊勤冀,原來死於「追星夢」。事緣楊氏一家三口,均是港星劉德華 的「超級粉絲(fans)」,死者生前為一償30歲女兒的「追星夢」,3年前將賣掉寓所得到的4萬元人民幣,全花在女兒追星的費用上。3人本月19日向親友借來1.1萬元旅費來港追星,楊勤冀疑不滿偶像只與女兒拍照便罷,於是寫下遺書蹈海自殺,遺願是劉德華再見女兒一面。
楊氏母女昨早在葵涌殮房認屍後,經入境處准許延長留港時間至28日,2人表示,身上盤川只餘1000元,不夠購買機票回蘭州,因此今日會先上深圳 再圖打算。楊太又稱,暫時沒想到如何處理丈夫的後事,希望港府能代為處理,但就不願火化,想給丈夫留一條原屍。
comment: I can only say that that's one hell of a crazy bitch... LOL
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
2007.2.14 何潤東 好想對你說
等待七年 籌備兩年 一張充滿夢想與友情的專輯
電視劇主題曲/好想對你說~ 何潤東 vs 張娜拉 深情對唱
03. 悲傷也快樂 RECOMMENDED!
08. 好想對你說 RECOMMENDED!
09. Think about you
10. 星海流浪的人 RECOMMENDED!
12. 無我
13. 最後一天
14. 星海流浪的人(日文 Japanese)
2007.3.20 Joss Stone Introducing Joss Stone
aside from reading, today's a relatively uneventful day, as that's pretty much what I did the entire day anyways~ however, being at home also implies that I have some time on hand to upload a couple albums~ lots of new albums out lately in Asia: Nakashima Mika, Exile, Yanzi etc~ on the other hand, lots of western albums out too and here's one of 'em: Joss Stone's "Introducing Joss Stone"~
in case you ppl have no idea who Ms.Stone is, she's one of the rising stars in the pop/soul music scene~ 19 yr old and she already has 3 album releases and a couple Grammies under her name~ her latest album still demonstrates her powerful vocals and is infused with a slight jazzy twist from her previous releases~ the album also features renowned rappers, Common, and Lauryn Hill from 90s legendary hip-hop group the Fugees~ the 2 collaboration tracks "tell me what we're gonna do now" and "music" are actually my favourite tracks from the album~ track 12 "baby baby baby" is also a personal favourite~
and as you ppl may know, I don't really pay much attention to track titles since I am stuck with a mp3 player that doesn't have track display... ><
So what's up with the album name? didn't she already have 2 previous releases?
well, Ms.Stone actually thinks this album is her first "true" release as a singer~ according to Joss Stone, this album actually has a beginning, middle and end, as opposed to her previous albums esp her last album, which were just a bunch of songs gathered into an album~
anyways, for me, Joss Stone's newest album is the most satisfying out of her releases and indeed, as the 19yr old diva proclaims, is the first revelation of the "true" Joss Stone~
Joss Stone Introducing Joss Stone
right click save as
01 Change (Vinnie Jones intro)
02 Girl They Won't Believe It
03 Headturner
04 Tell Me 'Bout It
05 Tell Me What We're Gonna Do Now ft. Common RECOMMENDED!
06 Put Your Hands On Me RECOMMENDED!
07 Music ft. Lauryn Hill RECOMMENDED!
08 Arms of My Baby
09 Bad Habit
10 Proper Nice
11 Bruised But Not Broken
12 Baby Baby Baby RECOMMENDED!
13 What Were We Thinking
14 Music Outro
Monday, March 19, 2007
Aung San Suu Kyi doomed?
nothing big came from Burma so I guess she's still safe and sound:P

Aung San Suu Kyi
The junta said Suu Kyi, 61, was in "her final days," and guilty of "betraying the national cause while relying on aliens," including the United States, Britain and the European Union.
Suu Kyi remains under house arrest inside her two-story villa in the city of Rangoon, where she has languished for more than 10 of the past 16 years.
Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party (NLD) won a landslide election victory in 1990, which the regime ignored.
"Attempts to translate into reality the 1990 election results are in vain," the military junta said.
"The days of [Mrs.] Suu Kyi and the NLD are numbered. They are heading for a tragic end," the government said in its official English-language newspaper, The New Light of Myanmar.
Burma, also known as Myanmar, is the biggest country in mainland Southeast Asia, and one of the world's worst human rights abusers, according to London-based Amnesty International, the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch and other monitors.
The regime's harsh litany against Suu Kyi comes amid demands by Washington that the United Nations Security Council push Burma to release her, along with hundreds of other political prisoners, and allow her National League for Democracy to form a government.
Next-door China, however, is Burma's strongest military, economic and political ally and uses its seat on the Security Council to block attempts to pressure Burma.
Describing the conditions under which she would be freed, the military government said "the restrictions imposed on her will be lifted on the day" when Suu Kyi stops demanding democracy.
"The restrictions will never be lifted until she abandons her practice of the liberal policy," it said, indicating a possible future renewal of her house arrest, which was extended in May for another year.
Burma is currently suffering U.S.-led, international economic sanctions which are supposed to pressure the government into freeing Suu Kyi and permitting democracy.
"Due to the economic sanctions placed by one of the western countries, 160 garment factories had to be closed and 40 factories had to reduce the laborers," the regime said.
"The closure left about 80,000 people, including over 70,000 women, jobless. While struggling for living, some women fell victim to human trafficking."
In America, Europe and elsewhere, some critics have said economic sanctions have worsened the plight of unskilled and semi-skilled workers, especially women in Burma's garment industry.
Many females have resorted to prostitution and other desperate measures to make ends meet, because of sanctions against foreign investment and the blocking of Burmese exports to the West.
Suu Kyi has endorsed the sanctions, and has asked foreign tourists not to visit the Buddhist-majority country which displays a myriad of ancient temples and quaint towns smothered in an atmosphere of political repression, poverty and despair.
The top layers of the regime, meanwhile, circumvent the sanctions by doing business with willing neighbors in Asia, including China, Thailand, India, Malaysia and Singapore.
"Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy pose the most dangerous threat to the nation," the report said, blasting them as "traitors relying on foreign countries."
Her NLD is "a rightwing political party following liberalism" and "an anarchist political party."
taken from the Asian Pacific Post
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Music Station 2007.03.09
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
2007.3.14 倖田來未 (Koda Kumi) Best~Bounce & Lovers
'tis is from young hip-hop/r&b Koda Kumi~ I've actually lost track on how many albums and singles she has released cuz it seems that she has new releases every so often~ aside from this album, she also released another single~
I don't know if this album can be called a "best" album cuz it seems to me just a compilation of her previously released singles~ she does have some really great upbeat songs though~
as I mentioned above, I haven't really been following her since "Cutie Honey" (which is a great song by the way) so I can't really comment too much~
it should be a great album though~ just give it a try! :D

倖田來未 (Koda Kumi) Best~Bounce & Lovers NEW!RECOMMENDED!!!
right click save as
バラードベストCD 全14曲収録
03.1000の言葉~Alternate Orchestra Version~
04.Your Song
05.Pearl Moon
09.最後の雨~Time Heals Version~
10.Promise version~
12.come back
2007.3.19 Nakashima Mika Yes
YES! finally something to cheer about since Valentine's day~
Japanese pop/jazz diva, Nakashima Mika, has finally released her new album "Yes"~ this is Nakashima's 4th album excluding her last album "Best To", which is a best album as the title entails~
I've only had my chance of listening to the album while on my way back home on the bus today~ I'd have to say that I really really like the album! ^ ^
from my first run through of the album, I'd place this album on the same level as her "real" breakout second album "Love"~ I think her third album, "Music", was too non-mainstream for me to really enjoy the album, even though there are good songs on the album eg Sakura Iro, the NANA theme song etc~
anyways, you'd be surprised by the very bossa nova and funky, jazzy beats of this album; a very different Nakashima Mika in my point of view~ there are also a couple great mellow jazzy tunes on the album to light up those cozy afternoons~ a great album~ all tracks recommended!!! XD
PS: track 14 is a cover of Tony Bennet's timely classic "What a Wonderful World"
right click save as
01 I Love You (Album version)
02 見えない星
03 素直なまま
04 Cry No More
05 All Hands Together
06 Dance With The Devil
07 Black & Blue (*KATE TV-CF Song)
08 Joy
09 The Dividing Line
10 My Sugar Cat (*KATE TV-CF Song)
11 汚れた花
12 Going Back Home
13 祈念歌
14 What a Wonderful World
Sunday, March 11, 2007
獨居兒逾2萬 16萬學童三餐自理
2007/03/12 04:09記者: 林倖妃/台北報導
貧窮、單親 被迫犧牲孩子
行為易偏差 陷惡性循環
BoA 20th Live Birthday Party!
yes, as promised many many months before, I'm gonna try to put a BoA concert online and ta-da, here it is~ I've been searching for the right broadcasting service that allows big files and Veoh seems to work the best~ if you haven't gotten the veoh player yet, go get it! you can watch online videos from google video, youtube etc directly through the convenience of the veoh player, which allows full screen dvd quality viewing experiences! XD
back to the concert~ this is a concert celebrating BoA's 20th birthday held in November last year I think~ through the concert, one can really see that BoA has taken up a more mature and womanly style as compared to her more girlish image of the past~ very very sexy and cute indeed! I even got her newest album "Made in Twenty", in my opinion, her best album so far~ I find that BoA doesn't dance that much now in concerts, perhaps due to some naggin' injuries she's acquired over the years~ poor BoA~ that's the price of being overworked as a star~ anyways, BoA's singing is fantastic so ya'll can enjoy that at least~ and her pretty smile of course! :D
DVD for this concert'll be released in a short while~ go buy it if you like the concert! or you can relish some footages from the concert through the dvd version of her latest album "Made in Twenty"!
scroll down for the concert~ (I couldn't have all the clips in one post cuz I am a html tart...) I apologize for several glitches and sound failures throughout the concert~ more reason you should go out and buy the real dvd if you like the concert!
let the clip run some way through eg quarter/half the way before watching to prevent lagging! (unless you are on super high speed internet eg T-1 of course~)
* this just in~ BoA the Live -裏ボア...聴かせ系- (日本版) released on March 6, 2007! get your copy today!
Thursday, March 08, 2007

姓名:Iris (本名:曾莉婷)
星座: 射手座 (跟我一樣是射手座的唷!XD)
血型: O (我也是O!)
喜歡的東洋藝人: Puffy、恰拉
喜歡的西洋藝人: CAKE AND SEA、Radio Head
喜歡的男歌手(華語): 陶吉吉 (又跟我一樣耶!)
喜歡的女歌手(華語): 莫文蔚、王菲
最喜歡的電影: 愛在黎明破曉時
喜歡的女演員: 蜜雪兒菲佛、卡麥隆狄亞
喜歡的男演員: 比利克里斯多,周潤發
喜歡的顏色: 紅色、藍色
曾任Channel V VJ
♬♬艾莉絲♬♬ 我的牧羊人奇幻之旅
PS:完全符合我理想情人的條件~會太高了點嗎? LOL
back to the movie~ the setting is based in post war India where the country just became independent in 1947~ the story focuses on the love story between a Sikh man (Jimi Mistry) and a Muslim woman (Kristin Kreuk), in which both fell in love amidst tensions from the separation of Pakistan from India and torn apart as a result of the division and religious divide between Sikhs and Muslims~ according to the script writer for the movie, the film is partly based on a factual story he heard from his father in his childhood and reflects thousands of families that are torn or broken apart by the artifical partition imposed by the British colonizers after WW II~
despite the empty seats (perhaps b/c few notice such small production films...), I really enjoyed the movie and would recommend the movie to anyone~ very dramatic and meaningful plot as the storyline not only reflect the brutalities and atrocities of war and the pain of separated couples and families but also the interaction and cooperation among the indigenous and their colonial masters~ also a very exotic film as few Asians (Chinese for that matter) ever venture out of their respective cultures~ perhaps it's the Gandhi paper I wrote for History last term, I am gaining interest in the Indian culture right now~ as opposed to the stereotypes branded on India and its people, I think there's a rich culture that lays behind the biases that's worth probing~
'nayways, if you are just looking for something more along pop culture or just checking the galz out, Kristin Kreuk and Neve Campbell are simply gorgeous~ =) damn me for not really watching Party of Five nor following Smallville~ I've developed a sudden crush on Kristin Kreuk right now~ her long sleek hair, big black eyes, dainty figure... oh my! she's sooooooooo cute XD
how come I've never seen pretty girls like her out on the streets in Vancouver over the past 15 years? darn!
anyways, if you are want more info about the movie, visit the movie intro page at and hurry if you want to watch the movie as I think it's coming off pretty soon and I don't know if it'll be on DVD!
Friday, March 02, 2007
好像也不是啦~ 最近真的是太忙了﹐沒有什麼時間上來留言~
前天Asia317的期中考發回來了~成績真的是給它大大地失望﹔才考了個67~ >< 看來真的得加把勁囉!考那麼爛好像是因為前陣子都在忙研究所申請﹐所以就沒有好好讀啦~其次可能是因為作文題選了題最有爭議性的題目作答﹐然後就給他失足了~ >< 再接再勵吧! 前天也終於把研究所申請給它送出去了~真的是弄了一生一世終於弄好了(弄到我想砍人!) 希望我能進政大的智慧財產所~~~