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Monday, November 20, 2006

2006.11.08 Melody Lovin' U

Woohoo! finally finished my paper for History 432! a massive 4,500 report~ now I have approximately another 7 days to crank out another one for my other seminar course... @#$@#%!!!

seeing that I don't have a lot of time on hand, here's Melody's new single for y'all~ Melody has 2 albums to date and is one of the rising pop stars in Japan right now~ Hawaian native, therefore she speaks perfect English~ gorgeous figure and charming smile: another singer the DJ likes:P

she's not just a doll btw, she can actually sing and dance~ her first album is awesome with hits like "dreaming away", "over the rainbow" etc (there's a song I can't remember right now... but its really good:P) her second album is average but nonetheless, it includes the hit single "realize"~ the song was apparently used as the theme song for an anime series~ I uploaded the video onto youtube before summer and little did I expect such wide popularity from it~

anyways, I've also put the video for this single up on youtube~ check it out if you want~

great song btw, really catchy:D

Melody Lovin' U RECOMMENDED!!!

01 Lovin' U
- theme song for Sofina’s RAYIOUS cosmetics TVCM
02 Our Journey
03 Feel the Rush
04 Feel the Rush - Junkie XL remix for “Need for Speed Carbon” (the X-box game)

here's the pv:D

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