所有音樂僅供試聽﹐請於試聽後24小時內刪除。請購買正版支持您喜歡的歌手! all tracks are for previewing only. please purchase the album to support your favourite artists! click for a list of updates! 華語專輯chinese 日語專輯 japanese 韓語專輯 korean 英語專輯english

Thursday, November 30, 2006

new BoA single!!!

the term has finally come to a close! yay! only finals left~ if I can pull off some decent marks, I'll be set for graduation next term! woowho!!

another thing to woohoo about is BoA's new single! well, it's not really a new single but a new song included in a Korean ost (I forgot the name of the ost)~ the single is called "sunshine", which is a big contrast to all the snow that everyone's seeing in Vancouver right now~ anyways, a good song~ nice ballad feel to it~ a nice follow up to her "winter song" released awhile ago~
apparently BoA is supposed to have a new Korean album coming out soon but I read somewhere that it's unfortunately pushed back~ can't wait for the new BoA album! Her last Korean album was so-so in my opinion~ I liked the song "spark" and that was it~ the company should have had a mv for it!

her 4th album "My Name" seems so long ago that I am really looking forward to her new Korean album~ it'll probably feature a lot of remake from her last Japanese album "Outgrow", which is an awesome album to say the least~ I also can't wait for BoA's new Japanese album after listening to a couple of great singles and watching a couple of great mvs eg "Nana iro no ashita", "Brand New Beat", "Winter Love" etc~ it seems that BoA's devoting much of her energy to the Japanese music scene right now~ however, I'd like to see her spend more time in Korea, as that's her root and that'll also give me someone to root for in the Korean music scene~ there are not many female singers in Korea who I like.... there are J and T (yeah, sounds funny eh? T's full name is Tasha)~ not really into Lee Hyori with all her skimpy outfit... FINKL disbanded... such a sad music scene for guys out there!
anyways, here is the single~ and below is allegedly the new Korean album cover~ :D

PS: enjoying my new mp3 player right now~ go buy one for Christmas ppl!
click to download or listen online

BoA - Sunshine


002 OUTGROW (Ready butterfly)
003 너의 곁에서 (Near You)
004 cosmic eyes
006 꼭 안아줄게 (Hug)
007 Your Color
008 OVER (across the time)
009 make a secret
011 The letter of the heart (마음의 편지)
012 일곱빛깔의 내일 (brand new beat)
013 With U
014 Song With No Name (이름없는 노래)

일본에서 2004년 부터 2006년 까지의 히트곡들을 한국어로 번안,그 대망의 3번째 번안앨범 'NEW ALBUM OUTGROW' !14개월만의 국내 활동 스타트! 타이틀곡 'OUTGROW (Ready butterfly)'로 10월 14일 생방송 음악중심에서OUTGROW (Ready butterfly), TOUCH, Your Color가 스페셜 라이브로 10여분 가량으로 꾸며집니다.

don't ask me what all that Korean means...I can only make out a couple lines....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

new mp3 player

I'm free!... at least for now... as I got all my papers done~ :D

first final in a week~ I haven't even flipped open the textbook yet... I think I am dead~

anyways, I picked up a new mp3/video player at future shop on my way back from home yesterday~ it's actually not a bad buy for $50+ considering it has video and jpg browsing functions~ moreover, its 1gb :D

however, its not the best after I have had it for one day~ you won't find a lot of reviews about this player online so I'll do a quick pro/con list for those of you thinking of getting a new player this Christmas~


1. good space; 1 gb for approximately 50 bucks, not a bad deal~
2. displays english, spanish and both traditional and simplified chinese
3. slick design~ compact~ not like the "hockey puck" you imagined~
4. nice sound~ indeed loud enough ie 64kbps wma actually sounds pretty good on this player~ good for listening outdoors
5. multiple functions including photo browsing, e-book browsing, voice recording, fm radio, mp3 and video~ plays mp3 and wma (I havent tried wma drm yet... but I dont think it'll play the format)
6. really detailed instruction manual, which is good for newbies~


1. no folder browsing function!!! which is kinda annoying in a sense, as every time you listen to the player, it starts reading from track 1~ if want to listen track 50/100, you'd have to press forward/reverse 50 times...(or 49 times...)
2. the player resets its settings every time you turn it on/off~ the sound is geared up to the fullest every time you turn it on so be careful not to blow ur ears off!
3. although the sound quality is good, it may be too loud for indoor listening~ even its lowest sound is about half the volume capacity of my old player (not that old actually...just got it back in the summer)~ so definately something that's good for workout/outdoors but so-so indoors~
4. haven't got the fm radio to work yet~ apparently, it may be kinda hard~ oh well~
5. so-so battery power~ I got 'bout 4hrs of music after 12 hrs of charging (its installed with a lithium ion battery)~ however, I followed the instruction guide on this, as it suggests that the first couple times should be charged for 12hrs in order to prime the battery for longer battery life~
6. USB1.5~ slow transfer indeed! (Mike, should have trusted you on this one!) with that said, however, it's only a bit slower than avg... perhaps an extra 30 seconds for an album to transfer~ it's okay if you don't mind the slightly longer transfer time~

So I've come up with 6 pros and 6 cons~ indeed this is not your best player on Earth, however, if you just want a decent player for an affordable price, this is not a bad player to buy, considering all its functions~ a decent player with video functions would normally cost you about upwards of $150~ therefore, consider this player a bargain for only 1/3 the price!

only future shop has this player on sale~ there are a couple other teams to choose from aside from the Canucks~ you have Boston, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Detroit and Colorado~ apparently, it seems that the Canucks one is only sold in BC~

there you have it! my review for the "Watch" player~ definately a nice player for Christmas if you don't wanna spend too much~ of course, everyone would probably enjoy an Ipod, a nano or a Samsung more~ however, not all ppl have 2 or 3 big ones on hand~ so buy it if you want something slick, slim and affordable~ don't buy this player if you are the high-end type!

Sunday, November 26, 2006




跟在韓國的朋友聊了一下﹐發現她那邊沒有下雪~ well, too bad~ hehe:P 遲早會下啦﹗韓國比溫哥華冷耶﹗

歷史報告還剩1500字左右﹐應該下午能把它幹掉~ 嘿嘿﹐終於可以鬆口氣了。。。


最近好像出了滿多新專輯的~ 昨天剛抓了Melody(日本歌手。看下面~) 的演唱會DVD~ oh yes, 本來以為沒人會上傳~ Melody真的是超正的﹗

現在在抓廣瀨香美的最新專輯 GIFT+﹐等一下有空的話﹐我會把它傳上來~ 廣瀨香美就是唱"日付変更線"(註﹕國際換日線)的那位歌手~ 超好聽﹗廣瀨屬於實力派唱將型~

Chemistry (超化學男子) 發了全新的精選輯~ YUI 前陣子也發行了新的單曲~ Exile 和倖天來未也合作了一首新的單曲~ 韓國方面﹐輝星發了一支數位單曲﹐為韓片"中天"的主題曲~ 片中有金泰希耶﹗好像還不錯﹐大家要去看噢﹗

張惠春 aka Saya 發了可能是告別歌壇的最後一張精選輯﹐有興趣的話﹐要去買專輯噢﹗以後可能在螢光幕上見不到她了﹗羅志祥出了新專輯。。。睽違6年後﹐陶莉萍前天也發了個人第二張專輯~ 大家可能對這個名字不太熟悉﹐有空的話﹐我再介紹~ 楊乃文好像也快發片了~ 這也是張期盼已久的專輯~ 其他像蕭亞軒﹑曹格和TANK可能都會在年底或明年初發片﹐所以大家拭目以待吧﹗


PS﹕hitoradio 的年底百首單曲票選已經開始了﹗趕快上網 http://www.hitoradio.com 支持你喜歡的歌手吧﹗

Friday, November 24, 2006

2006년 9월 14일 이승기 리메이크 앨범 - 남자가 여자를 사랑할때

hehe~ the skills of copy and paste to get some Korean flava onto my page:D

anyways, not gonna spend a lot of time on this post~ about 40% through my 5000 word paper~ it's amazing how I actually find enough things to talk about in my paper~ I just found out a decent analogy can be made between Gandhi and Confucius~

back to the album~ this is 이승기(Lee Seung Gi) 's newest album~ it seems that he has only 2 albums to date, including this album~ this is a remake album, which means Lee took a bunch of songs from other singers and did a new rendition of the songs~

the hit song is from As One's hit single "원하고 원망하죠" [track 02] (I actually have no idea how this translates.... so much for my Korean skills! told ya I am not the greatest~) anyways, I really like the new version~ the new album also includes a string version in the end, which rounds up the album pretty nicely~

I am not that familiar with the other song titles but I think I must have heard of em somewhere or another~

anyways, that's it~ gotta get back to work soon~ check the album out!:D

recommended tracks: 02, 11

이승기 리메이크 앨범 - 남자가 여자를 사랑할때 RECOMMENDED!!!
(Lee Seung Gi remake album - When a Man Loves a Woman)

click to listen online

01 . 제발 (이소라)
02 . 원하고 원망하죠 (에즈원)
03 . 내안의 그대 (서영은)
04 . 사랑했잖아 (린)
05 . 한번만 더 (박성신)
06 . 아디오 (양파)
07 . 고백 (장나라)
08 . 눈물 (리아)
09 . 나만의 것 (김완선)
10 . 만남 (코요태)
11 . 원하고 원망하죠 (Acoustic Guitar)

PS:the numbering is kinda mixed up...

savefile doesnt seem to work right now~ I'll up the album in a bit...

Monday, November 20, 2006

2006.11.08 Melody Lovin' U

Woohoo! finally finished my paper for History 432! a massive 4,500 report~ now I have approximately another 7 days to crank out another one for my other seminar course... @#$@#%!!!

seeing that I don't have a lot of time on hand, here's Melody's new single for y'all~ Melody has 2 albums to date and is one of the rising pop stars in Japan right now~ Hawaian native, therefore she speaks perfect English~ gorgeous figure and charming smile: another singer the DJ likes:P

she's not just a doll btw, she can actually sing and dance~ her first album is awesome with hits like "dreaming away", "over the rainbow" etc (there's a song I can't remember right now... but its really good:P) her second album is average but nonetheless, it includes the hit single "realize"~ the song was apparently used as the theme song for an anime series~ I uploaded the video onto youtube before summer and little did I expect such wide popularity from it~

anyways, I've also put the video for this single up on youtube~ check it out if you want~

great song btw, really catchy:D

Melody Lovin' U RECOMMENDED!!!

01 Lovin' U
- theme song for Sofina’s RAYIOUS cosmetics TVCM
02 Our Journey
03 Feel the Rush
04 Feel the Rush - Junkie XL remix for “Need for Speed Carbon” (the X-box game)

here's the pv:D

Saturday, November 18, 2006

1988 伊能靜 十九歲的最後一天!








PS: okay, 最近比較忙﹐好多好音樂都沒有時間放上來。最近有許多合集的構想﹐在這邊先提一下﹐看大家意下如何。要是有其他想聽的﹐隨時線上msg我囉﹗


伊能靜 十九歲的最後一天 絕版囉﹗

part 1
part 2


01 十九歲的最後一天
02 生日快樂
03 驕傲的面具
04 愛的日記
05 我們是最好的朋友
06 我就是年輕
07 我累了
08 帶我去月亮
09 加一些想像
10 三月的秘密

omg... I think she looks gorgeous for a mom~ LOL:D

1994 劉德華 忘情水

yay! 已經混了3天﹐報告連一個字都還沒動~ woohoo!!! 死定了我﹗



94年﹐華仔發了這張超經典的專輯"忘情水"。相信大家都聽過這張專輯的同名主打歌﹐傳唱度高到現在我們這一輩的人還可以琅琅上口﹐真的是不得了的一首歌。劉德華最紅的應該是這首忘情水吧﹗沒記錯的話﹐這張專輯當年狂銷了八十萬張。94年的時候剛好我來加拿大兩年左右﹐所以其實這首歌我也是後來才從精選輯裡面聽到的。yes, I'm Out-Date, okay? LOL:D


最近我發現舊唱片裡常常收錄主打歌的原版。這些原版往往與後來電台播放或專輯收錄的版本不太一樣﹐往往聽起來更有感覺﹗忘情水也不例外﹐原版與精選輯裡面的版本不太一樣噢~ 前幾天放的 Karyn White 專輯也一樣~ 裡面的Superwoman和後來的版本不太一樣噢﹗(不過試聽是放新版就是了~想聽原版的話﹐只好下整張專輯囉﹗註釋﹕原版更猛﹐更有爆發力﹗)

劉德華 忘情水 絕版囉﹗


part 1
part 2


01 忘情水
02 纏綿
03 不該愛上你
04 錯怪
05 心酸
06 你是我的溫柔
07 痴
08 最孤單的人是我
09 峰迴路轉
10 想要飛

Friday, November 17, 2006

1998.12.01 劉若英 很愛很愛你



anyways, 想必大家都聽過這張專輯的同名主打歌"很愛很愛你"﹐所以這首歌到底有多紅就不用陳述太多了。這張專輯剛出來的時候﹐電台每天狂播這首歌﹐每天都聽得到。那陣子真的是完全地把這首歌給聽膩了。


至於我為什麼到現在還單身呢﹖well, 我自認眼光不會太高﹐但可能是對的人還沒出現吧﹗之前也失戀了一陣子﹐所以現在覺得暫時單身也不錯。練練身體﹐畢業後找個好工作﹐賺點錢再來交女朋友也不遲吧﹗其實看其他人出雙入對的也會有點羨慕﹐所以其實也不排斥現在交個女朋友啦﹗誰有認識好女孩的話﹐不吝介紹介紹給我認識吧﹗



劉若英 很愛很愛你 (推薦﹗)


part 1
part 2


01 很愛很愛你
02 花季未了
03 Flying
04 好久好久
05 最初的地方
06 透明
07 你說得對
08 夢醒
09 距離 (好久好久獨唱版)
10 多倘朋友

Thursday, November 16, 2006

1988 Karyn White!

Okay, you wanna know how old school I've been lately? well, take a listen at this -- Karyn White's debut album (1988)!

Yeah, I see that puzzled expression on your face alright (I can't actually...) but the title track "Superwoman" has been made popular by the recent Mandarin rendtion by Gary Cao. Don't wanna spend too much time on Gary cuz that' not the point here (and everyone probably noticed this guy's crazy vocals already).

anyways, I was surfing the other day and found out there are actually 3 versions of "Superwoman" at least: Karyn White's original version, Gary's Mandarin version and Faye Wong's cantonese verison (can you believe it? OMG! I was actually pretty surprised).

Interestingly enough, "Superwoman" is one of the few soul ballads on the album. The rest features a r&b/pop style that's characteristic of the late 80s early 90s period (a music style made popular by Paula Abdul apparently...). A really upbeat album. The album should take you back in time where a different kinda music style ruled.

let's see, what was I doing in 1988... ah! can't remember! I was 4 damn it! LOL:P

another reason you should listen to this album: this album is produced by the top r&b dynamic duo producers, L.A Reid and Babyface! In fact, track 06 "Love Saw It" features Babyface in a duet with Karyn White so check that out~ it's a no.1 r&b classic back then. Track 04 "Superwoman" is a must listen~ other than the 2 songs, the rest of the album is pretty much funky 80s r&b tunes.

Karyn White (Out of Print!) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

click to download

part 1
part 2

click links below to listen online

01 The Way You Love Me
02 Secret Rendezvous
03 Slow Down
05 Family Man
06 Love Saw It (ft. Babyface)
07 Don't Mess With Me
08 Tell Me Tomorrow
09 One Wish

2001.08.03 張敬軒 Hins First (EP)

最近超忙的﹗omg! 為什麼當初要讀歷史呢﹖><





張敬軒的第一張個人EP專輯是一張粵語專輯。相信大家都聽過他的My Way專輯﹐可是這張EP是內地版﹐所以還滿稀有的。我是從來沒看過。張敬軒的第一張專輯好像出了3﹑4個版本﹐全部都不一樣。其中有一個版本還收錄了My Way 1PM版﹐一首超猛的作品。好了﹐回到這張EP。這張EP好像收錄了幾首專輯裡沒收錄的歌﹐但整張都是粵語。好像住在列治文不聽廣東歌的話有點怪。以後要開始聽廣東歌了。


這張專輯個人偏愛第八首"太遠"和與其他人合唱的第九首"Power In Your Hands"。好了﹐就介紹到這裡﹐繼續送上下一張囉﹗

張敬軒 Hins First (EP)


part 1
part 2


01 First Intro
02 透露
03 觸摸心跳
04 Interlude
05 On Fire (Have You Ever?)
06 透露 (4 u version)
07 Outro
08 太遠 (original version)
09 Power In Your Hands

Sunday, November 12, 2006

2006.10.03 Evanescence The Open Door

it's been awhile since I put up any English albums~ it's not that I don't listen to English albums, they just don't attract my attention as much as East Asian albums~ I mean, I am in touch with English pop culture nearly everyday and everywhere, so I kinda take it for granted and don't care for it much~ however, I do listen to English albums every so often~

some rock stuff for y'all~ this is Evanescence's newest album "The Open Door" released just last month~ I think this is their third album to date~ Evanescence is one of those bands I keep myself up to date with after their first hit "Bring Me Back to Life", theme song for the movie "Dare Devil" starring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner~

speaking of which, the action series "Alias" just ended back in the summer~ darn! I guess it'll be awhile until I see Jennifer Garner on the big screen again~ =(

back to Evanescence... I really don't have much comments to make since I haven't finished listening to this album yet~ in fact, I haven't even gotten to it! however, Evanescence is one of those unique bands where the lead singer is female~ a couple of such bands are Japan's Do As Infinity, U-ka Saegusa and In-dub and TW's FIR~ not a whole lot of these bands out there~

anyways, take a listen to the new album and let me know about what you think:D

more info about the band here: click me

Evanescence The Open Door

click to download

part 1
part 2

1. Sweet Sacrifice
2. Call Me When You're Sober
3. Weight of the World
4. Lithium
5. Cloud Nine
6. Snow White Queen
7. Lacrymosa
8. Like You
9. Lose Control
10. The Only One
11. Your Star
12. All That I'm Living For
13. Good Enough

비 (雨) 韓流暴 (非賣品)

okay, I have no idea what da hell this album is~ it seems that this album was never released! I think I got it from the z-degree forum some time ago~

anyways, a friend wants to listen to Rain or 비(Bi) so I decide to put this album up~ the rest of my Rain albums are in TW right now~ =)

this is a pretty good collection of his best songs, even though the guy hasn't released a best album yet~ it should be soon though~

personal comments: have no particular sentiments for this guy; don't know why he became so popular all of a sudden; don't think he can act. On the upside, he's a pretty good dancer with great figure and some of his songs are pretty catchy. This might be the future trend, I don't know~ (shrug)

비 (雨) 韓流暴 (非賣品)

1993.03 張學友 吻別

昨天跑出去和朋友們吃飯﹐真不知道自己在想什麼。。。明明知道報告有點寫不完﹐還是跑了出去。嘿嘿~ 最近壓力真的是太大了﹗





聽完歌神張學友93年發的超經典專輯"吻別"後﹐只有一個"讚"而已。經典歌曲如第一首"吻別"﹑第四首"一路上有你"和第六首"每天愛你多一些"就不用多做介紹了﹐因為大家可能都已經對這些歌熟到不行了(現在點播率還是滿高的﹐三不五時還是會聽到)。推薦一點別的吧﹗個人偏愛第三首"LINDA"輕快的旋律和琅琅上口的歌詞。這首歌沒紅﹐真是遺憾﹗第八首"戀愛的人都一樣"有庾澄慶老實情歌的味道噢﹗第九首"擁抱陽光"也是首超輕快的歌曲﹐帶點80年代末的pop beat。我覺得這首歌那來作貓的報恩主題曲應該不錯﹗


張學友 吻別 (確認已經絕版了!摯愛推薦﹗)


part 1
part 2


01. 吻別
02. 情綱 (伍思凱作曲)
04. 一路上有你
05. 你給我的愛最多
06. 每天愛你多一些
07. 相信她 關心她
08. 戀愛的人都一樣
09. 擁抱陽光
10. 秋意濃


"这张唱片就是一个神话。在销量上,《吻别》凭借136万张创下了台湾史上最高销量唱片,全球狂销400万,成为乐坛之最。音乐上,1993年重回国语歌坛的学友哥继四年前之后再度出击国语歌坛,《吻别》获得“台湾金曲奖年度最佳歌曲”,学友的热潮从粤语覆盖到国语,从香港席卷整个台湾内地以至所有华语地区,巩固了他“歌神”的地位。 即使是十年后,《吻别》依然成就了丹麦“麦克学摇滚”( Michael Learns to Rock )的《Take Me To Your Heart》,甚至还是李宇春的翻唱曲目。

虽然唱片以翻唱学友自己的粤语老歌为主,但却更符合国语歌迷的口味。无论选歌还是张学友的演唱,整张唱片的格调十分温暖,充满着绵绵情意。《你给我的爱最多》简单,《恋爱的人都一样》慵懒,《拥抱阳光》温情,特别是那一首《每天爱你多一些》,在百听不厌之余,学友的假音更使音乐增加了几许浪漫。" (摘選自http://music.ent.tom.com)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

2006.09.27 コブクロ - ALL SINGLES BEST

Okay, I don't have a lot of time on hand right now (a lot of readings to do!) but I'll just throw something up really quick here~ this is a duo I've heard 'bout in recent years but haven't really paid any attention too~ however, after I dug in to this album a couple days ago, man! did I ever get enchanted by their music! I find it really hard to categorize their music style but it's a bit of soft rock, a bit of folk, mixed with some ballad~ as hard to categorize as Lenny Kravitz you may say~ Kobukuro is a duo of 2 men, probably mid-aged, thirty-ish or so~ they sound like your traditional Japanese singers eg Southern All Stars, Tube, Oda Kasumasa, Yamashita Naotaro etc (reminds me of Bruce Springsteen), really traditional, folk kinda voice~ anyways, AN AWESOME ALBUM! I've only kinda finished listening to the first CD but wow, I am impressed! a couple of their songs have really soft beginnings but by the time you finished listening to the entire song, you've probably been rocking for several minutes already! you really have to get your ears perched for the first 30 sec or so before you'll start feeling the rhythem and appreciate the unique music style~ REALLY REALLY CATCHY ALBUM! this album'll get you to rewind it and listen to it over and over again! Okay, what have I to recommend here... the whole album practically~ but I'll throw up a couple songs~ tracks 01 and 06 are must listens esp track 06 永遠(とうわ)にともに~ track 1 actually has a mandarin version from somewhile ago~ those of you who follow the chinese music scene might recall the tune somewhere=)

I am putting up only disc 1 for now~ if I have time later tonight, I'll put up disc 2:D

PS: that's it! they sound like Chage and Aska, the renowned Japanese pop duo!

コブクロ ALL SINGLES BEST Highly Recommended!!!

click to download

disc 1 part 1
disc 1 part 2

click links below to listen online

1. 君という名の翼
2. あなたへと続く道
3. ここにしか咲かない花
4. 毎朝、ボクの横にいて。-Sweet drip mix-
5. Million Films
6. 永遠(とうわ)にともに
7. blue blue
8. 宝島
9. 雪の降らない街
10. 願いの詩

1. 風
2. YOU
3. miss you
4. YELL ~エール~
5. Bell
6. 轍 -Street stroke-
7. DOOR ~The knock again~
8. 太陽
9. 桜
10. 未来への帰り道 ~bonus track~

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

紅螞蟻 愛情釀的酒

之前有朋友挑戰我的搜歌功力﹐希望我能幫他找紅螞蟻的愛情釀的酒。兩個月前開始用emule的時候索性搜了一下就找到了。emule上的種子還滿多的﹐由此可見這首歌好像還滿紅的。其實我完全不認識紅螞蟻這支樂團﹐只知道愛情釀的酒這首歌而已﹔許多人﹐包括五月天﹐都有唱過這首歌。聽完後覺得不錯﹐有經典老歌的實力與魅力。在此就送上來讓大家懷舊。(順便送上歌詞) :D

這邊有個關於紅螞蟻的簡介 點這裡


歌曲 : 愛情釀的酒
作詞 : 紅螞蟻
作曲 : 紅螞蟻
編曲 :
演唱 : 紅螞蟻

有人告訴我 愛情像杯酒

他還告訴我 是杯特製的酒
有人告訴我 愛情像杯酒
他說喝它吧 別皺眉頭
也燒不了你的口 喝吧
喔 它燙不了你的舌
喝醉吧 不要回頭

Sunday, November 05, 2006

2006.11.02 Se7en vol 4 Se7olution

More oriental flavour coming your way~

This is Korean singer Se7en's fourth and newest album, "Se7olution". I don't know how many of you out there actually listen to that occasional dose of Korean sound sometimes cuz I know many foster some ill sentiments against Koreans in general. Anyways, not me (although I do get annoyed by some from time to time), so you guyz'll have to bear with me on the occassional Korean album I put up.

nayways, if you ppl like r&b music, if you don't dig into K-pop, you'll be missin' out on a lot! Se7en is one of those artists that has really good hip-hop/r&b vibe even if you don't understand the lyrics. After a disappointing 3rd album in Korea and a debut album in Japan, Se7en's back with his newest album "Se7olution". After listening to it once, I think this is indeed as Se7en claims, "one of [his] best albums." Even though I do think Se7en kinda copies Usher in his style and looks and everything, nonetheless, he's a talented singer and dancer. One of the few out there who combines looks with voice.

After such hits as 와줘 (Come Back) and 문신 (Tatoo/紋身), Se7en comes back with a fine release. If you like the two r&b ballads just mentioned, you'll like track 04 잘할게 (I'll Do Fine) from the new album. Another great ballad following that line is track 08 닮은 사랑 (Similar Love). Most of the songs in the middle are funkier hip-hop tunes such as track 03 라라라 (ra-ra-ra), track 06 Again and track 07 Can You Feel Me. After the ballad interlude of track 08, Se7en'll continue with a string of more upbeat sound from tracks 10 to 12. The album closes with a nice guitar song "Promise" (track 14), which gives the album a different change in rhythem and flavour. Anyways, a great album and nice come back from his dismal third album (although the mass probably don't think so). Take a listen and if you have the chance to dig into his first 2 albums, you'll find some real gems in 'em! :D

PS: bear with me with my meagre Korean translation skills....

Se7en vol 4 Se7olution HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

click to download
part 1
part 2

click links below to listen online!

01 Se7olution (intro)
02 Girl Friend
03 라라라 (title)
04 잘할게
05 Last of Diary
06 Again
07 Can You Feel Me
08 닮은 사랑
09 I'm Sorry (interlude)
10 Oh~My Girl
11 Get Up and Dance
12 허락해줘
13 독백
14 Promise

Saturday, November 04, 2006

2006.07.11 Sowelu Twenty Four

After a string of Chinese albums, let me throw something oriental up on my page. I wanted to put this album up awhile ago but I have not the chance to come to it until now. This is Sowelu's third album "Twenty Four" released back in the summer. I had the chance to pick this album up upon its release back then and did I ever listen to the album over a stretch of several weeks! Sowelu doesn't seem to be all that widely known in TW as her albums are pretty hard to come by in TW. I tried to pick up either of her first 2 albums and had no luck, in the process, only finding a couple of her old singles. If you like the usual J-pop sound, you'll like Sowelu's music, a mix of pop and r&b. There are too many good tracks on this album and I highly recommend the album to everyone out there. From the high spirited "Dear Friend" to the last track "to You", one won't be tired of the smooth mix of music from beginning to end. My favourite tracks from the album are track 7 "Flyer", track 9 "Let's go faraway" and track 13 "to You". If you like her last album, you won't be disappointed by her new album.

A commentary by me would have to include a comment on how much I idolize her. Appearance-wise, I think she's HOT! Her cute smile is simply irresistable and her figure is perfect. Okay, she might look a bit like Hamasaki Ayumi but I think she's way cuter than Ayumi and her music style is totally different from the techno/dance diva. Anyways, she's simply adorable. I like pretty girls who can sing. XD

Sowelu Twenty Four HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

click to download
part 1
part 2

click links below to listen online!

01 Dear friend
02 Crazy for you
03 守るべきもの
04 tomorrow
05 smile again
07 Flyer
08 cry
09 Let's go faraway HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
10 君の気配
11 without you
12 Pride
13 to YOU

2006.11 Elva is Back!

Who's Back? Elva is back!!!

沉澱了兩年之後﹐蕭亞軒終於回來了﹗之前因為唱片公司的關係導致蕭亞軒的新專輯一拖再拖﹐但現在肯定Elva年底一定會推出個人全新大碟。其實我個人還滿喜歡蕭亞軒的。。。能歌善舞﹐緋聞又不多﹐專輯又好聽﹐是個不錯的偶像歌手。上一張專輯第五大道突破以往的風格﹐成為近年來女歌手裡面水準之上的一張好專輯。這次在專輯發行前﹐蕭亞軒先在網上發行自己的數位單曲Elva is Back 來測試歌迷的支持度與未來網路市場的開發性。在此先送上這只單曲。讓我們引領期盼Elva的新專輯吧﹗



Elva is Back

2005.11 袁惟仁 你不知道的我

聽了許多流行音樂﹐上傳另類一點的東西。相信大家都聽過袁惟仁這位創作人的大名﹐但你可能對他的音樂不太熟悉。他幫過許多歌手寫過一堆好歌﹐像那英的"征服"﹑王菲的"執迷不悔"(這也是我最近才知道的)﹑阿妹的"最後一次"等。 他的專輯並沒有太大的情緒 起伏﹐只有伴著空心吉他淡淡柔柔的音符。和陳昇一樣﹐他的歌聲唱出一種歷經滄桑的平凡。

我個人偏愛專輯同名主打歌"你不知道的我"﹐有點爵士和藍調的感 覺。第二首"你的溫度"翻唱蔡健雅之前推出的歌曲。其他還包括一些你絕對熟悉﹐但一時想不起原唱者的歌曲如第三首"想念"﹑第四首"夢醒了"﹑第五首"坦 白"等。在流行樂氾濫的當下﹐不妨靜下心﹐聽一點比較柔和一點的音樂。袁惟仁的這張專輯絕對是你的首選。

袁惟仁 你不知道的我 (摯愛推薦﹗)

part 1
part 2


01 你不知道的我 (鋼琴版)
02 你的溫度
03 想念
04 夢醒了
05 坦白
06 既然愛過
07 旋木
08 勇敢一點
09 好怕
10 你不知道的我 (吉他版)

1999.05 吳國敬的主題曲

好了﹐時間前進一點到99年﹐香港出了一位創作才子 --吳國敬。最近有人提議我要放一些粵語專輯﹐所以就選了這張。這也是我唯一買的一張粵語專輯﹐可惜是盜版就是了(因為找不到正版﹗)。 會買這張專輯的原因在於我在電台聽過唯一一首吳國敬的歌曲"其實我深深愛著你"。以前聽過有人說一首歌可能促使一個人去買一張專輯﹐吳國敬的這張專輯就 是如此﹗那時後電台真是狂播吳國敬的"其實我深深愛著你"﹐幾乎每天都聽得到﹐聽前奏就知道是這首歌。這首歌後半段激昂的歌聲與音樂非常有感覺﹐是吸引我 的最大特點。即使聽不懂廣東話﹐歌裡包含的情緒足以讓聽眾耳朵為之豎起。把燈關上在暗暗的房間靜靜的聆聽這首歌會感到有一種莫名的感動﹗

這 張專輯可以算是一張翻唱專輯﹐其中收錄了如"帶你看風景"﹑"真心真意"﹑"理想對象"﹑"越吻越傷心"等經典粵語歌曲。我不知道這些歌曲是不是吳國敬譜 的曲﹐如果真是的話﹐那他可以算是香港的陶吉吉或王力宏了﹗除了主打歌外﹐其他歌曲好像全都重新編曲。整張專輯聽下來非常的舒服﹐有濃濃的r&b 味道﹐但卻不會太多。總之﹐一張可以帶領你進入粵語音樂的一張專輯。


omg... 連封面圖都找不到。。。

吳國敬的主題曲 (找都找不到﹐我看是絕版了吧﹗)

part 1
part 2


01 其實我深深愛著你 (三個男人一個處)

02 帶你看風景
03 愛你是我一生中理想
04 只有你肯給我認真
05 我們的主題曲
06 真心真意 (合唱版) [許志安+吳國敬]
07 理想對象
08 理想結婚
09 哭泣游戲
10 戰場上的聖誕快樂
11 越吻越傷心 (with eddie & eugene) [蘇永康+吳國敬]
12 其實我深深愛著你

Thursday, November 02, 2006

1997.12.06 陶喆 同名專輯

相信大家可能對這張專輯已經熟悉到不能在熟悉﹐所以我就不作太多的介紹了。 我的第一張華語r&b專輯﹐也是我至今仍最愛的一張專輯。專輯需要聽者仔細聆聽歌曲的每一句歌詞和每一個音符﹔聽越多次﹐越能發現歌曲裡面不同的變化與轉折﹐越能肯定陶喆﹐華人r&b音樂教父﹐的實力與才華。摯愛推薦整張專輯﹗


陶喆 同名專輯 摯愛推薦整張專輯﹗

part 1
part 2


01 Airport Takeoff
02 飛機場10:30
03 Airport Arrival
04 愛很簡單
05 沙灘
06 王八蛋
07 望春風
08 十七歲
09 是是非非
10 流沙
11 Take 6 Minus 3
12 心亂飛
13 再見以前先說再見
14 沙灘 鋼琴版
15 Answering Machine

1997.10.31 順子 Shunza


順子的這張專輯亦收錄了頗受好評的"不想一個人"(第二首)和"永遠等待"(第四首)。這些歌曲全收錄在順子後來發行的精選輯裡。這張專輯和王力宏的公轉自轉一樣﹐ 可說是順子的巔峰之作。專輯內的曲風新鮮且多元﹐即使從現在的角度來看﹐依然可與任何一張時下的專輯匹敵。即使是現在﹐順子的音樂依然擁有非常高的獨特性﹐聽眾的辨識度極高。喜歡快節奏的朋友可以聽聽第五首"玩具"和第七首"那 那那那"第九首"親愛的Jazz"是一首標準的爵士歌曲﹐從中可聽見感性的順子。


順子 Shunza

part 1
part 2


01 回家
02 不想一個人
03 Can't Get Enough
04 永遠等待
05 玩具
06 太陽
07 A Bowl of Rice
08 那那那那
09 CJ
10 親愛的Jazz
11 Always Sisters

好像少了一首歌。。。在此補上﹕03 Can't Get Enough

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1998.08.21 王力宏 公轉自轉

ok~ 繼續上傳一些專輯吧﹗時光倒轉到98年我剛開始接觸華語音樂的時候。幼稚園時是有聽過小虎隊啦﹐可是來加拿大後﹐就幾乎與台灣完全脫節。記得剛來的時候 (現在記憶有點模糊了。。。)﹐當時的華人幾乎全是香港人﹐台灣人不多。當時也沒有什麼八佰伴﹑大統華啦﹐更別提什麼華語唱片行如MAL﹑寶麗影視等。那時候連網路和盜版都沒有﹐當時真的不知道自己都在幹什麼。第一張買的正版華語唱片是任賢齊的"心太軟"﹐在百家店的寶麗影視買的。我好像是在98年左右買了這張專輯﹐好像也是那時候961剛開台沒多久。記得當時還有AM的國語節目和週末凌晨的音樂節目﹐真是超懷念那個時候。國中的時候幾乎每個週末就是在期待那段凌晨時光﹐半夜爬起來﹐躺在床上﹐戴著耳機﹐一個人靜靜的聽著收音機。大概從那個時後開始﹐我就慢慢地喜歡上音樂與聽音樂所帶來的快樂。高中後﹐功課漸漸忙了起來﹐我喜歡的許多電台主持人也紛紛離開電台﹐我對新的節目也不再那麼熱衷。記得那個時候自己還滿難過的﹐陷入一陣低潮﹐不知道是不是因為不再有那麼多時間守著收音機聽音樂。後來暑假回台灣時 (好像是國一還國二的暑假)﹐因為從收音機聽到台灣正在流行的專輯﹐回台灣的時候便直奔唱片行。記得那時候我連量販店的概念都搞不太清楚﹐更別談什麼大眾唱片﹑玫瑰唱片等。在台灣買得第一張專輯是徐懷鈺的"飛起來"專輯(還是錄音帶唷﹗)。okay, 我知道你們想說什麼﹐但當時她那張專輯真的是紅透半邊天。那時真得是覺得超好聽的﹗好像徐懷鈺出道沒多久﹐回加拿大後﹐從電台聽到一號人物叫陶吉吉。第一次聽他的歌時還沒什麼印象。那時電台好像常播"沙灘"。聽完幾次後﹐我覺得普通﹐並沒什麼特別的。後來經過朋友推薦 (Thanks David!)﹐買了陶吉吉的首張個人專輯回家﹐從此便愛上他的音樂﹐愛上節奏藍調。從那個時候開始﹐我開始常常逛唱片行﹐三不五時便買幾張專輯回家聽﹐陷入一時對音樂的瘋狂。那時後還因為常常買專輯而挨罵﹐因為往往一﹑兩張專輯就要二﹑三十塊加幣﹐真的是有點貴。後來﹐因為科技的進步﹐有了網路﹐有了mp3﹐進而有了盜版唱片﹐使得我慢慢減少在音樂上的花費。雖然如此﹐但對音樂的喜愛至今始終沒停過﹐仿彿只是從金錢上的花費變成時間上的花費。我開始聽越來越多不同類型的音樂﹐也開始接觸不同語言的音樂﹐慢慢地自己對音樂這項興趣越來越內行。雖然我並不是什麼專業的音樂家或樂評﹐對豆芽菜更是一竅不通﹐但久而久之也有自己的一套說法。這可能是剛聽音樂時始料未極的吧﹗

ok~好像說了一大串自己怎樣開始聽音樂﹐確沒提到為何上傳王力宏的專輯﹐在此就快速地提一下吧﹗well, 98年的時候﹐華語歌壇真的是達到一個前所未有的盛況。許多實力派的音樂人倍出﹐創造出許多新的音樂風格﹐豐富當時的音樂市場。你是否還記得當時有哪些音樂人和歌手開始嶄露頭角呢﹖當年的金曲獎上就出現了兩位非常有實力的創造才子與才女--王力宏和順子。兩人都算是節奏藍調的先驅﹐奠定節奏藍調在華語音樂市場的地位。差不多同時﹐可能早一點點﹐華語歌壇的節奏藍調始祖陶吉吉發行了他的首張專輯。這三位歌手成功的把節奏藍調﹐這種西洋風格﹐帶入華語音樂市場﹐引領了新的一股潮流。李玟也差不多在這個時候推出她的Di Da Di暗示專輯﹐狂賣不知道幾十萬張。還不夠挑起你對音樂的狂熱嗎﹖徐若瑄也在這個時間推出她的個人首張大碟"大麻煩"﹔這也是本人買的第二張專輯。其他這個時候出道或開始累積名氣的歌手真的是太多了﹐包括徐懷鈺﹑莫文蔚﹑范曉萱﹑任賢齊﹑杜德偉﹑陳曉東﹑許茹芸﹑錦繡二重唱﹑動力火車等。張學友的"不後悔"專輯和張惠妹的"Bad Boy"專輯好像也是98年發的。韓國方面﹐這個時候正值偶像團體盛行﹐如酷龍(Clon)﹑H.O.T﹑FINKL﹑SES(剛出道噢﹗)﹑神話(好像也出道沒多久)﹑GOD﹑Diva等。99年更精彩﹐有飛行青少年Fly to the Sky登陸韓國樂壇。日本方面我就不太清楚了﹐因為千禧年時才是我真正接觸日本音樂的時候。這個時候我好像只認得安室奈美惠吧﹗

好了﹐說了那麼多﹐也差不多該休息了。我想你們也應該滿懷念這段時光吧﹗尤其是現在即將面臨踏進社會的第一步﹐中學時期的往事應該是永遠不能忘懷的美好回憶。這段期間認識的朋友也漸漸成了目前我儘有的知心朋友。well, you guys know what I mean! anyways, peace out! 聽聽些舊專輯勾起那美好的回憶吧﹗


王力宏 公轉自轉 絕版了噢﹗

part 1
part 2


01. 公轉自轉
02. 夢想被冷凍
03. 愛你等於愛自己
04. One Of These Days
05. 我的情歌
06. 信任
07. 不管怎樣
08. 2000年
09. 你以為我是誰
10. Please Come Back To Me

2006.11.01 BoA Winter Love

New BoA single!!! Similar to the past few years, BoA releases another winter song in time for Christmas season that's just around the corner. "Winter Love" is not a bad song, a ballad song that demonstrates BoA's strong vocals. However, I still like "meri kuri" better, with its catchy tune and lyric. I find all BoA songs in general really good anyways so I am just picking favourites I guess. Along with the title song, track 2 "Candle Light" is also a pretty good song. I find nearly all of BoA's side tracks really good as well; hopefully she'll release it as a b-side single or something. And as usual, there's an english track with this album! Her last Christmas album featured "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" (if I recall correctly) and this album features the timely classic "Last Christmas". I've hear so many renditions of this song from Korean/Japanese singers, it seems as if everyone is singing this song around Christmas time! This is one of my favourite Christmas tunes actually. Why so blue you ask. Well, it's not totally a sad song as the lyrics and music clearly try to put some hope into people. For singles like me who don't have a tradition of celebrating Christmas with family (my family's super traditional Chinese), friends or church, the song offers a tinge of Christmas feel that can be enjoyed alone... well, that's how I usually spend my Christmas -- sitting by the window, silently looking at the slowly descending snow outside, musing about the past and hoping... seems a pretty bleak picture eh? well, that's what I am I guess~ lol:D

just enjoy the songs! BoA's rendition of "Last Christmas" has a pop-ish feel to it like Mariah Carey's classic hit "All I Want For Christmas is You". BoA's english is great btw~ not bad for a girl who wields three languages at once~ a girl who speaks any three of the languages I know or is trying to pick up is not bad for a date for lonely guys like me~ a girl like that would really attract my attention and admiration actually... including BoA! XD

(stop daydreaming Tony!)

PS: What!? the new 2007 BoA calendar is out already? I want one for Christmas!!!

BoA Winter Love

click links below to listen online!

01 Winter Love
02 Candle Light
03 Last Christmas
04 Winter Love (TV Mix)
05 Candle Light (TV Mix)