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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

2006.11.01 BoA Winter Love

New BoA single!!! Similar to the past few years, BoA releases another winter song in time for Christmas season that's just around the corner. "Winter Love" is not a bad song, a ballad song that demonstrates BoA's strong vocals. However, I still like "meri kuri" better, with its catchy tune and lyric. I find all BoA songs in general really good anyways so I am just picking favourites I guess. Along with the title song, track 2 "Candle Light" is also a pretty good song. I find nearly all of BoA's side tracks really good as well; hopefully she'll release it as a b-side single or something. And as usual, there's an english track with this album! Her last Christmas album featured "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" (if I recall correctly) and this album features the timely classic "Last Christmas". I've hear so many renditions of this song from Korean/Japanese singers, it seems as if everyone is singing this song around Christmas time! This is one of my favourite Christmas tunes actually. Why so blue you ask. Well, it's not totally a sad song as the lyrics and music clearly try to put some hope into people. For singles like me who don't have a tradition of celebrating Christmas with family (my family's super traditional Chinese), friends or church, the song offers a tinge of Christmas feel that can be enjoyed alone... well, that's how I usually spend my Christmas -- sitting by the window, silently looking at the slowly descending snow outside, musing about the past and hoping... seems a pretty bleak picture eh? well, that's what I am I guess~ lol:D

just enjoy the songs! BoA's rendition of "Last Christmas" has a pop-ish feel to it like Mariah Carey's classic hit "All I Want For Christmas is You". BoA's english is great btw~ not bad for a girl who wields three languages at once~ a girl who speaks any three of the languages I know or is trying to pick up is not bad for a date for lonely guys like me~ a girl like that would really attract my attention and admiration actually... including BoA! XD

(stop daydreaming Tony!)

PS: What!? the new 2007 BoA calendar is out already? I want one for Christmas!!!

BoA Winter Love

click links below to listen online!

01 Winter Love
02 Candle Light
03 Last Christmas
04 Winter Love (TV Mix)
05 Candle Light (TV Mix)

1 comment:

Allan said...


You're the reason why I blog for music. You're da one. Any possibility that you're going to venture into Cantonese HK pop?

Andy Lau? You like him? He's got a new album out.