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Thursday, November 30, 2006

new BoA single!!!

the term has finally come to a close! yay! only finals left~ if I can pull off some decent marks, I'll be set for graduation next term! woowho!!

another thing to woohoo about is BoA's new single! well, it's not really a new single but a new song included in a Korean ost (I forgot the name of the ost)~ the single is called "sunshine", which is a big contrast to all the snow that everyone's seeing in Vancouver right now~ anyways, a good song~ nice ballad feel to it~ a nice follow up to her "winter song" released awhile ago~
apparently BoA is supposed to have a new Korean album coming out soon but I read somewhere that it's unfortunately pushed back~ can't wait for the new BoA album! Her last Korean album was so-so in my opinion~ I liked the song "spark" and that was it~ the company should have had a mv for it!

her 4th album "My Name" seems so long ago that I am really looking forward to her new Korean album~ it'll probably feature a lot of remake from her last Japanese album "Outgrow", which is an awesome album to say the least~ I also can't wait for BoA's new Japanese album after listening to a couple of great singles and watching a couple of great mvs eg "Nana iro no ashita", "Brand New Beat", "Winter Love" etc~ it seems that BoA's devoting much of her energy to the Japanese music scene right now~ however, I'd like to see her spend more time in Korea, as that's her root and that'll also give me someone to root for in the Korean music scene~ there are not many female singers in Korea who I like.... there are J and T (yeah, sounds funny eh? T's full name is Tasha)~ not really into Lee Hyori with all her skimpy outfit... FINKL disbanded... such a sad music scene for guys out there!
anyways, here is the single~ and below is allegedly the new Korean album cover~ :D

PS: enjoying my new mp3 player right now~ go buy one for Christmas ppl!
click to download or listen online

BoA - Sunshine


002 OUTGROW (Ready butterfly)
003 너의 곁에서 (Near You)
004 cosmic eyes
006 꼭 안아줄게 (Hug)
007 Your Color
008 OVER (across the time)
009 make a secret
011 The letter of the heart (마음의 편지)
012 일곱빛깔의 내일 (brand new beat)
013 With U
014 Song With No Name (이름없는 노래)

일본에서 2004년 부터 2006년 까지의 히트곡들을 한국어로 번안,그 대망의 3번째 번안앨범 'NEW ALBUM OUTGROW' !14개월만의 국내 활동 스타트! 타이틀곡 'OUTGROW (Ready butterfly)'로 10월 14일 생방송 음악중심에서OUTGROW (Ready butterfly), TOUCH, Your Color가 스페셜 라이브로 10여분 가량으로 꾸며집니다.

don't ask me what all that Korean means...I can only make out a couple lines....

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