This is Korean singer Se7en's fourth and newest album, "Se7olution". I don't know how many of you out there actually listen to that occasional dose of Korean sound sometimes cuz I know many foster some ill sentiments against Koreans in general. Anyways, not me (although I do get annoyed by some from time to time), so you guyz'll have to bear with me on the occassional Korean album I put up.
nayways, if you ppl like r&b music, if you don't dig into K-pop, you'll be missin' out on a lot! Se7en is one of those artists that has really good hip-hop/r&b vibe even if you don't understand the lyrics. After a disappointing 3rd album in Korea and a debut album in Japan, Se7en's back with his newest album "Se7olution". After listening to it once, I think this is indeed as Se7en claims, "one of [his] best albums." Even though I do think Se7en kinda copies Usher in his style and looks and everything, nonetheless, he's a talented singer and dancer. One of the few out there who combines looks with voice.
After such hits as 와줘 (Come Back) and 문신 (Tatoo/紋身), Se7en comes back with a fine release. If you like the two r&b ballads just mentioned, you'll like track 04 잘할게 (I'll Do Fine) from the new album. Another great ballad following that line is track 08 닮은 사랑 (Similar Love). Most of the songs in the middle are funkier hip-hop tunes such as track 03 라라라 (ra-ra-ra), track 06 Again and track 07 Can You Feel Me. After the ballad interlude of track 08, Se7en'll continue with a string of more upbeat sound from tracks 10 to 12. The album closes with a nice guitar song "Promise" (track 14), which gives the album a different change in rhythem and flavour. Anyways, a great album and nice come back from his dismal third album (although the mass probably don't think so). Take a listen and if you have the chance to dig into his first 2 albums, you'll find some real gems in 'em! :D
PS: bear with me with my meagre Korean translation skills....
Se7en vol 4 Se7olution HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
click to download
part 1
part 2
click links below to listen online!
01 Se7olution (intro)
02 Girl Friend
03 라라라 (title)
04 잘할게
05 Last of Diary
06 Again
07 Can You Feel Me
08 닮은 사랑
09 I'm Sorry (interlude)
10 Oh~My Girl
11 Get Up and Dance
12 허락해줘
13 독백
14 Promise

click to download
part 1
part 2
click links below to listen online!
01 Se7olution (intro)
02 Girl Friend
03 라라라 (title)
04 잘할게
05 Last of Diary
06 Again
07 Can You Feel Me
08 닮은 사랑
09 I'm Sorry (interlude)
10 Oh~My Girl
11 Get Up and Dance
12 허락해줘
13 독백
14 Promise

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