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Sunday, November 12, 2006

비 (雨) 韓流暴 (非賣品)

okay, I have no idea what da hell this album is~ it seems that this album was never released! I think I got it from the z-degree forum some time ago~

anyways, a friend wants to listen to Rain or 비(Bi) so I decide to put this album up~ the rest of my Rain albums are in TW right now~ =)

this is a pretty good collection of his best songs, even though the guy hasn't released a best album yet~ it should be soon though~

personal comments: have no particular sentiments for this guy; don't know why he became so popular all of a sudden; don't think he can act. On the upside, he's a pretty good dancer with great figure and some of his songs are pretty catchy. This might be the future trend, I don't know~ (shrug)

비 (雨) 韓流暴 (非賣品)

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