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Sunday, March 11, 2007

BoA 20th Live Birthday Party!

BoA concert live online!

yes, as promised many many months before, I'm gonna try to put a BoA concert online and ta-da, here it is~ I've been searching for the right broadcasting service that allows big files and Veoh seems to work the best~ if you haven't gotten the veoh player yet, go get it! you can watch online videos from google video, youtube etc directly through the convenience of the veoh player, which allows full screen dvd quality viewing experiences! XD

back to the concert~ this is a concert celebrating BoA's 20th birthday held in November last year I think~ through the concert, one can really see that BoA has taken up a more mature and womanly style as compared to her more girlish image of the past~ very very sexy and cute indeed! I even got her newest album "Made in Twenty", in my opinion, her best album so far~ I find that BoA doesn't dance that much now in concerts, perhaps due to some naggin' injuries she's acquired over the years~ poor BoA~ that's the price of being overworked as a star~ anyways, BoA's singing is fantastic so ya'll can enjoy that at least~ and her pretty smile of course! :D

DVD for this concert'll be released in a short while~ go buy it if you like the concert! or you can relish some footages from the concert through the dvd version of her latest album "Made in Twenty"!

scroll down for the concert~ (I couldn't have all the clips in one post cuz I am a html tart...) I apologize for several glitches and sound failures throughout the concert~ more reason you should go out and buy the real dvd if you like the concert!

let the clip run some way through eg quarter/half the way before watching to prevent lagging! (unless you are on super high speed internet eg T-1 of course~)

* this just in~
BoA the Live -裏ボア...聴かせ系- (日本版) released on March 6, 2007! get your copy today!

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