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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

2007.3.20 Joss Stone Introducing Joss Stone

after a hard day of reading on the Korean War, I can proudly proclaim that I'm near the end of my research and on my way to starting my paper... technically due tomorrow, which I'll never finish in time even if I start now~ this means that I'll be taking the automatic extension 'til Tuesday~ Thank you Professor Egerton! greatest prof ever! XD

aside from reading, today's a relatively uneventful day, as that's pretty much what I did the entire day anyways~ however, being at home also implies that I have some time on hand to upload a couple albums~ lots of new albums out lately in Asia: Nakashima Mika, Exile, Yanzi etc~ on the other hand, lots of western albums out too and here's one of 'em: Joss Stone's "Introducing Joss Stone"~

in case you ppl have no idea who Ms.Stone is, she's one of the rising stars in the pop/soul music scene~ 19 yr old and she already has 3 album releases and a couple Grammies under her name~ her latest album still demonstrates her powerful vocals and is infused with a slight jazzy twist from her previous releases~ the album also features renowned rappers, Common, and Lauryn Hill from 90s legendary hip-hop group the Fugees~ the 2 collaboration tracks "tell me what we're gonna do now" and "music" are actually my favourite tracks from the album~ track 12 "baby baby baby" is also a personal favourite~

and as you ppl may know, I don't really pay much attention to track titles since I am stuck with a mp3 player that doesn't have track display... ><

So what's up with the album name? didn't she already have 2 previous releases?

well, Ms.Stone actually thinks this album is her first "true" release as a singer~ according to Joss Stone, this album actually has a beginning, middle and end, as opposed to her previous albums esp her last album, which were just a bunch of songs gathered into an album~

anyways, for me, Joss Stone's newest album is the most satisfying out of her releases and indeed, as the 19yr old diva proclaims, is the first revelation of the "true" Joss Stone~

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