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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

2007.3.14 倖田來未 (Koda Kumi) Best~Bounce & Lovers

another great new album for ya'll~

'tis is from young hip-hop/r&b Koda Kumi~ I've actually lost track on how many albums and singles she has released cuz it seems that she has new releases every so often~ aside from this album, she also released another single~

I don't know if this album can be called a "best" album cuz it seems to me just a compilation of her previously released singles~ she does have some really great upbeat songs though~

as I mentioned above, I haven't really been following her since "Cutie Honey" (which is a great song by the way) so I can't really comment too much~

it should be a great album though~ just give it a try! :D

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