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Thursday, March 08, 2007


went to Station Square with Mark yesterday to watch "Partition", a local independent film that was released back in early February starring Jimi Mistry, Kristin Kreuk and Neve Campbell~ as you ppl may be aware, both Kristin Kreuk and Neve Campbell are both Canadians! in fact, Kreuk is from Vancouver~ horray for the maple leaf!

back to the movie~ the setting is based in post war India where the country just became independent in 1947~ the story focuses on the love story between a Sikh man (Jimi Mistry) and a Muslim woman (Kristin Kreuk), in which both fell in love amidst tensions from the separation of Pakistan from India and torn apart as a result of the division and religious divide between Sikhs and Muslims~ according to the script writer for the movie, the film is partly based on a factual story he heard from his father in his childhood and reflects thousands of families that are torn or broken apart by the artifical partition imposed by the British colonizers after WW II~

despite the empty seats (perhaps b/c few notice such small production films...), I really enjoyed the movie and would recommend the movie to anyone~ very dramatic and meaningful plot as the storyline not only reflect the brutalities and atrocities of war and the pain of separated couples and families but also the interaction and cooperation among the indigenous and their colonial masters~ also a very exotic film as few Asians (Chinese for that matter) ever venture out of their respective cultures~ perhaps it's the Gandhi paper I wrote for History last term, I am gaining interest in the Indian culture right now~ as opposed to the stereotypes branded on India and its people, I think there's a rich culture that lays behind the biases that's worth probing~

'nayways, if you are just looking for something more along pop culture or just checking the galz out, Kristin Kreuk and Neve Campbell are simply gorgeous~ =) damn me for not really watching Party of Five nor following Smallville~ I've developed a sudden crush on Kristin Kreuk right now~ her long sleek hair, big black eyes, dainty figure... oh my! she's sooooooooo cute XD

how come I've never seen pretty girls like her out on the streets in Vancouver over the past 15 years? darn!

anyways, if you are want more info about the movie, visit the movie intro page at http://www.partitionthemovie.com and hurry if you want to watch the movie as I think it's coming off pretty soon and I don't know if it'll be on DVD!

Is she really Muslim? :P

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