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Thursday, October 19, 2006

1997 Uncle Sam

Yay! I finally got this album! in a super excited mood right now~ (beaming)

Since I am not good in hiding my excitement, I feel that I have to put this album up. Well, you wonder who Uncle Sam is. No, this is not the traditional American folk with the pin striped top hat and a finger point at your nose. This is the other Uncle Sam. For that sake, he's not caucasian either.

I reckon not many of you out there have even heard of this guy and yeah, he's not all that popular in the first place. To date, he only has one album release and only one chart topping single, "I Don't Ever Want to See You Again." I guess some of you remember this song in your faint memory somewhere. Anyways, Uncle Sam's album was released all the way back in '97 and "I Don't Ever Want See You Again" was the only song that made it big. He's somewhat of an one hit wonder.

How old was I in '97?......like 13? WTH am I listening to such an adult oriented, tragic love song? I don't know~ no ideas (shrug) I saw the mv too! Reminds me of Leehom's "Forever Love" MV with the piano, the wedding scene and everything. But it's also around that time I began falling in love with r&b. With influences like this guy here, Uncle Sam, it's hard not to. I remember at that time r&b was just on the rise with stars such as Brandy, Monica, R.Kelly, Tony Rich Project, Brian McKinght etc. It was also then that David Tao, Leehom and Shunza were just making it to the music scene in TW.

Lot's of memories right? yeah, those were the good old days~ r&b is cheap nowadays as many singers claim themselves to excel in this music style but in fact, they're not all that good~ r&b is becoming a pop culture, which is not all that healthy, as I think the "soul" portion of what makes good r&b'll be lost completely~ anyways, take a good listen at this album from one of the pioneers of this music style. My favourite tracks are track 9 "Baby You Are" and the hit track "I Don't Ever Want to See You Again." The hit single was also remade into 2 other known versions (at least the medley part). You'll be surprised what they are=)

part 1
part 2

01 Can You Feel It
02 You Make Me Feel Like
03 Throw Your Hands In The Air
04 Leave Well Enough Alone
05 Without Lovin' You
06 Someone Like You
07 Tender Love
08 Think About Love
09 Baby You Are
10 Stop Foolin' Around
11 I Don't Ever Want to See You Again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing post! I've been looking for this for ages!

Could you re-up it please?

Give me a shout if you do!