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Sunday, October 22, 2006

2005.02.08 Brian McKnight Gemini

Just how "black'" am I? (no racism here)

Aside from the swagger that I kinda notice in my mumbling speech sometimes (do I?), I listen to a lot of r&b music, which makes you kinda dark over time. Anyways, since Brian McKinght, one of the most amazing artists I've listened to, is missing from the list below, I thought it might be good for me to put up his last album to showcase his stunning vocals.

Brian McKnight has eight albums to date, if I remember correctly. One of the most popular contemporary r&b artists, he doesn't seem to get the attention he deserves in the States. I find a lot of the real great r&b singer/song writers such as Brian McKnight, Babyface, Maxwell are not really getting a lot of media attention, which kinda sux as they're the real geniuses behind the scene for more popular singers. That situation is totally reversed in Asia where it's all the hype right now with singer/song writers eg. Hirai Ken, Jay Chow etc.

With classics such as "One Last Cry","Anytime", "6 8 12" and "Back at One" under his name, Brian McKnight truely stands as one of the greatest r&b/black artists of all time. Many of his songs are fairly blue and melancholy. Coupled with his penetrating vocals, his songs have captured the souls of many. Besides his vocals, I really like how he uses a lot of guitar and piano in his music, which makes 'em standout among all the pop-ish sounds around.

Anyways, back to the album. I guess I've pulled the wrong album to put up... I think it's "U-Turn" that I wanted to put up... anyways, let me see which tracks I can recommend (listening right now~). omg! I think the first track, "Stay With Him", an intro to the album, is awesome! Totally acapella! Recommended tracks: 03,05,08,12,13.

Brian McKinght Gemini RECOMMENDED!

click to download
part 1
part 2

01 Stay With Him (intro)
02 What We Do Here
03 Everytime You Go Away
04 Grown Man Business
05 Everything I Do
06 Here With You
07 All Over Now
08 She
09 Stay
10 Come Back
11 Watcha Gonna Do?
12 Your Song
13 Me & You

1 comment:

Matt said...

Downloading. Woot having a computer all my own.

I should send you some of the crazy French music I've been listening to these days. It's terrific. I think you can find some of it on this blog-stream:

Linky, yo.