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Saturday, September 09, 2006

2006.07.17 Nelly Furtado Loose


Nelly Furtado’s greatest strength has always been her musical versatility. On Loose, the folksy blend of styles that made the Portuguese-Canadian pop chanteuse famous is still there. But this time, most of the Timbaland-produced tracks sound like ’80s throwbacks, with techno synths and new-age chorals added for good measure. And while she loses herself in Gwen Stefani–like posturing, as on “Glow,” and ethnic fusions like “No Hay Igual” or “Te Busque,” Furtado masterfully combines Spanish and pop influences in her own unique way. For this artist, it’s always been about finding the perfect mix.

DJ's comments: okay~ its been a long long while since I uploaded any english albums~ yes, I'll do that more often in the future~ the reason I am putting this album up is cuz the title track really caught my ears while I was in TW~ in this album, I heard a different Nelly Furtado~ a wilder and sexier Nelly Furtado, which escapes from her usual folk image of "Fly Like a Bird"~ this is a really hip-hop album and there are only a couple slow ballads~ this is an album thats pretty up tempo throughout~ my personal favourites are track 3 Promiscuous and track 11 What I Wanted~ so go ahead and take a listen to the newly transformed Nelly Furtado!!!

01. Afraid
02. Maneater

03. Promiscuous

04. Glow

05. Showtime

06. No Hay Igual

07. Te Busque ft. Juanes

08. Say It Right

09. Do It

10. In God’s Hands

11. What I Wanted

12. Wait For You

13. All Good Things

14. Let My Hair Down

15. Somebody To Love

click on the album title to d/l! click the highlighted track to listen online!

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