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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Slacker's Delight

"hip-hop the hip it the hip hip hop we don't stop..."

if you are not familiar with the rant above, it's okay~ just google "stepper's delight"~ I don't know who the original singer was~ I only know that Redman (if anyone know who he is...) did a version back in '98 or something~

'nayways, I've been doing a lot of things I shouldn't be doing lately~ let's make a list of what I've been doing lately...

1) haven't hit the books for awhile now (since tuesday), although I am technically supposed to be still in exam mode~ last exam next friday~ approx.300 pgs of text and a whole bunch of additional readings to do....

2) eating away my life for the last couple days~ sour gummy worms, coke bottles, peach rings, DQ blizzards (oreo and kitkat [new flavour btw]) ~ yes, I can't really see my toes when I lay flat now... I will exercise after exam....

3) been blogging too much in Chinese~ moreover, I haven't really been seriously blogging anyways... just been copy and pasting... yes, I am bad~

4) youtube has permanently removed my account although I haven't been uploading all that much on there anyways~ shows how much of a "pirate" I am:P

5) student loan repayment! haven't a clue how to repay my loans~ need to phone in to student loan services to ask about the proper procedures....

yes, I'll be good from now on~ I promise~ I'll be a good boy until Santa comes to town~

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