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Friday, December 29, 2006

The Christmas Report

aite~ havent been bloggin for the past week or so cuz I am too busy partying and shopping! XD my best Christmas yet~ let's record all those little events of the past week~

Dec.23, Ben's b-day, went to all you can eat dinner at Shabusen (this name looks funny in english...) chilled with Kevin and Gordo
n in Metro before the dinner~ holy smokes! it sure was friggin crowded down there~ ......saw Nick with a Japanese looking girl in downtown~ Man! seriously no comment man! are ppl just desperate for relationships nowadays? :P

Dec.24-25 - nothing big happened~ stayed home with family to enjoy the holidays~ I was hoping to try some egg nog this Christmas but I guess that never happened~ went out for bubble tea with Chris and Mark~ not my idea but Chris wanted to get something to eat~ we happened to land at a bubble tea place~ we usually land at some place like this anyways =)

Dec.26 'tis is sure one of the big days of this Christmas! went to a lot of places: Wal-Mart, Bestbuy, Futureshop, Superstore etc etc~ it was friggin' crowded everywhere and I couldn't understand how possibly ppl could buy so much~

'nayways, notwithstanding my criticisms, I guess my shopping for the year was done on this day as well~ picked up a new printer at NCIX in New City Square: Cannon Pixma ip1600~ comes with both colour and black cartridges and prints pictures from digital cam~ the sweetest thing is that I paid only 11 bucks for the thing!!! XD even though I shelled out another 3 bucks for an usb cable, it's all worth the price~ just hooked the thing up yesterday and the thing sure seems to be much much much faster than my old hp inkjet from what? 10yrs ago? LOL

other than the printer, Moi picked up 5 VHS for 10 bucks at superstore: Lord of the Ring I and II, Jerry Mcguire, 13 Going to 30 and the Polar Express~ finished watching the Polar Express on the 27th and half way through 13 Going to 30 (starring Jennifer Garner!) I think the Polar Express was not bad (thanks to all those who made me miss this movie when it was on! some ppl!) 13 Going to 30 is such a girl movie though....errr.... guess some movies aren't made for guys~ LOL

on top of the VHS, I went in to NCIX again to pick up another mp3 player with 1gb flash memory and up to 2gb digital memory expansion slot~ cost me 73 bucks in total for the player and a 2gb SD card, roughly 35 bucks each~ got my first go at new technology with the micro-SD I got as the other Kingston 2gb card was sold out~ had some trouble getting the SD card to work but managed at last and now beaming with a 3gb player that works like an IPOD shuffle yet better XD

however, as I am still experimenting with the new player, I found out that max capacity for the player is 512 songs, which kinda sux cuz I was hoping to stuff about a thousand songs with 3gb of space~ guess the player still has its limits~ no I am stuck with a 3gb player that can hold about 2gb of songs.... which is still not bad considering the price~ however, I was looking for more bang with my bucks~ guess nothing works perfectly!

last but not least, I finally got my first taste of the world renowned ice cream, Haagen Daz! I picked up a bucket of Haagen Daz that was on sale for 4 bucks and did I love it! I got rocky chocolate and ummmm... it tastes sooooooo good~ white chocolate melted into dark chocolate with traces of almonds among the swirl is simply delicious! maybe I should go in and get another one!

there u have it folks! one of the best Christmas I've had in years!

hopefully your's is as good as mine~ Merry Christmas everyone!

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