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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Packin' N Cleanin'...

its been another few weeks since I last posted on here~ well, the clean up for TW continues~ been throwing a lot of things away lately: cds, tapes, books, VHS, card collection etc~ all those fond memories of childhood...

'nayways, kinda excited 'bout a brand new start in Sept and the upcoming summer holidays bak in TW after next Wed~ I'll be getting my motorbike license probably in August~ then I can start cruising the city with my 50 lite:P

planning to lose some weight after I start living alone in Oct~ this way I'll be able to pick up girls and hook up:D will I go to beach parties like Ben? maybe~

however, within all this excitement, there's still the lil' downside of not having 'nay frds in TW~ afterall, it's been 15 yrs since I last studied in Tw~ the environment is totally bizarre to me now, as if I've just returned from outer space or deep coma~ hopefully someone out there'll be willing to show me around and make frds with me~ being the only one in Taichung really feel kinda lonely when one thinks 'bout it~

last thing worth mentioning is that I finished reading Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin~ good book~ a lot of social critique involved and the arrangement of the book in cross time sequence is kinda unique too~ damn essay! why can't I just read for enjoyment! ><

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