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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

2007.3.19 Nakashima Mika Yes

YES! finally something to cheer about since Valentine's day~

Japanese pop/jazz diva, Nakashima Mika, has finally released her new album "Yes"~ this is Nakashima's 4th album excluding her last album "Best To", which is a best album as the title entails~

I've only had my chance of listening to the album while on my way back home on the bus today~ I'd have to say that I really really like the album! ^ ^

from my first run through of the album, I'd place this album on the same level as her "real" breakout second album "Love"~ I think her third album, "Music", was too non-mainstream for me to really enjoy the album, even though there are good songs on the album eg Sakura Iro, the NANA theme song etc~

anyways, you'd be surprised by the very bossa nova and funky, jazzy beats of this album; a very different Nakashima Mika in my point of view~ there are also a couple great mellow jazzy tunes on the album to light up those cozy afternoons~ a great album~ all tracks recommended!!! XD

PS: track 14 is a cover of Tony Bennet's timely classic "What a Wonderful World"

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