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Friday, December 15, 2006

2006.11.12 K First Christmas

A small dose of J-pop Christmas tunes for ya'll~

This fairly recently single is from K, first Korean male singer to debut in Japan after BoA forged into the Japanese music scene a few years ago~ K is only now beginning to gain the attention of Japanese fans~ compared to bigger names such as Rain, Se7en and BoA, K is kinda just by the side quietly cultivating his own popularity~

K (that's an awesome name btw) finally began to rise to stardom when he sang the theme song for the drama "1 Litre's Tear" ("Only Human" I think...) I believe "First Christmas" is his latest single since "Only Human"~

many have compared K to the renowned Japanese r&b artist, Hirai Ken, mentioning their similarly talented vocals (although I think Hirai Ken still has an edge over K...) K's first Korean album is excellent btw~ if anyone's interested in digging into his Korean stuff, this is one place to start~

K's newest single is excellent! "First Christmas" indeed prepares one for Christmas with the winter atmosphere it exudes~ my favourite track is the side track "Still" though~ this is a must listen! I haven't heard such great light r&b in awhile now! so dig in and have a listen boys and girls! :D


click me to download or listen online
*right click on track title in playlist to download~
after windows media player pops up, go to file and save media as

01 First Christmas
02 Still (Must Listen!)
03 Every Year, Every Christmas
04 First Christmas instrumental

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